sobre o produto:

Always wanted to do a rose pink on a tattoo and didn't know how to mix it? This is the perfect tattoo ink to create what you didn't think was artistically possible. Buy this tattoo ink today and be prepared to WOW all your clients with your broad range of available tattoo ink colors.


01 - Intenze 30ml Rose Pink

Intenze 30ml Rose Pink

ATENÇÃO! Resta apenas 01 unidade disponível no estoque.
Intenze 30ml Rose Pink R$95,00
Entregas para o CEP:

Meios de envio

  • Randex Tattoo Supply Av. Sinfrônio Brochado, 206 Lj. 19 Barreiro | Belo Horizonte - MG Atendimento de Segunda à Sexta-feira das 8:00 às 18:00h e Sábado das 8:00 às 13:00h.

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sobre o produto:

Always wanted to do a rose pink on a tattoo and didn't know how to mix it? This is the perfect tattoo ink to create what you didn't think was artistically possible. Buy this tattoo ink today and be prepared to WOW all your clients with your broad range of available tattoo ink colors.


01 - Intenze 30ml Rose Pink